Darius - Cyan

personal video made with the intention of a color experience

1313G - absolutely

Little track I made, enjoÿ

where’s your heart at?

photosynthesize baby !!!

photosynthesize baby !!!

24 June 2021

888 - Everything is falling into place as it’s meant to be

888 - Everything is falling into place as it’s meant to be




Messages from a Recent Conversation - 25 June 2021 @2:23am

The first image, keep going baby

I’ve been feeling a bit of doubt within myself, but want to embrace the thought of balance and moderation

Remind myself that things will happen at their own pace

To not rush

But to also not stop

The “glow” of the image as a whole, makes me want to embrace this energy that I feel I have within me

I don’t want to hold it in anymore

I want to be my full self, with no question of whether others are going to judge for it or not

Really bring back the “living truthfully, freely and with transparency”

I wanna break past this barrier that I feel has always been stopping me

Think of a dam

I want it to break

And let the water flow

The image on the right

Hand holding the glowing sphere

Relates to that concept

I want to release that energy

But also be able to keep it in check

I am player one sorta thing

The angels in the center

Ahh that’s where I’m a bit hesitant

I feel so much love

So much love

For everything and everyone I’d like to think

I saw this tweet lmao, today actually

And I vibed with it

“Wish it was normal to tell people you love them without it meaning you have to run off and get married tomorrow”

I feel so much love

So much

And I want to be able to give that to the people I care about

My gran

My friends

People in general

I don’t know why that one’s a bit hard for me to talk about

Think it’s a response to something actually

Feeling of love, without thinking twice

It’s just so interesting to me

I have so many feelings

And I guess that kind of relates to it

To me at least

My eyes welled up a little


The angel that’s on its own

Kind of relates to the ones in the middle

I love the feeling of connection but I also enjoy my self

I enjoy who I am when I’m alone with my mind

It used to be really hard for me

I was very pessimistic

And now I’m not

Maybe I live in an illusion

But that’s because I allow myself to

I once had someone tell me to get a grip

But the thing is

I’m fully aware of what reality is, at least what’s being portrayed to us

I like being pensive

I like thinking about feelings and what ifs

I like dreaming

Even if it’s not all that realistic at times

It makes life so much more fun

If that makes sense?

I guess it’s part of the reason I get super excited with little things

Little things like a new song being released or someone else’s birthday

I just

I see everything as a moment to celebrate

Another moment I get to feel

Is another reason to celebrate

And that makes me super emotional

So those two angels


They make me feel that


With myself and with others

The eyes

I feel like that all of the time

Live everything is warped

I’m fascinated with eyes because they symbolize perception to me

In every way possible

My favorite thing is to see how people view the world

Going back to that aldous huxley quote

That I mentioned to you before I believe

But I think you know the one

“Every human group is a society of island universes”

Man that’s so fucking interesting to me

And it trips me out so much

Gives me this high

I’ve taken lsd before

And even being off that shit

I want to say that I constantly feel like I’m tripping

Naturally haha

The one thought that comes up is that lyric “wants me to manifest the fucked up things I got inside me” AHA you know the one. Not anything bad but it’s this lowkey energy I’ve had

It’s a funny little thing

But that’s for only for me to know.